In [5]:
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import ticker 
import pycountry_convert as pc
import folium
import branca
from datetime import datetime, timedelta,date
from scipy.interpolate import make_interp_spline, BSpline
import as px
import json, requests
import calmap

from keras.layers import Input, Dense, Activation, LeakyReLU
from keras import models
from keras.optimizers import RMSprop, Adam

import warnings

%matplotlib inline
Using TensorFlow backend.
In [7]:
import tensorflow as tf
print("Num GPUs Available: ", len(tf.config.experimental.list_physical_devices('GPU')))
Num GPUs Available:  1
In [8]:

# Create some tensors
a = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0], [4.0, 5.0, 6.0]])
b = tf.constant([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0], [5.0, 6.0]])
c = tf.matmul(a, b)

Executing op MatMul in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
[[22. 28.]
 [49. 64.]], shape=(2, 2), dtype=float32)
In [9]:
# retrieve Dataset
df_confirmed = pd.read_csv('')
df_deaths = pd.read_csv('')

# Deprecated
# df_recovered = pd.read_csv('')
df_covid19 = pd.read_csv("")
df_table = pd.read_csv("",parse_dates=['Last_Update'])
In [10]:
# new dataset 
df_covid19 = df_covid19.drop(["People_Tested","People_Hospitalized","UID","ISO3","Mortality_Rate"],axis =1)
Country_Region Last_Update Lat Long_ Confirmed Deaths Recovered Active Incident_Rate
0 Australia 2020-05-09 19:32:32 -25.0000 133.0000 6929 97 6134 698 27.215560
1 Austria 2020-05-09 19:32:32 47.5162 14.5501 15833 615 13928 1290 175.797211
In [11]:
Province/State Country/Region Lat Long 1/22/20 1/23/20 1/24/20 1/25/20 1/26/20 1/27/20 ... 4/29/20 4/30/20 5/1/20 5/2/20 5/3/20 5/4/20 5/5/20 5/6/20 5/7/20 5/8/20
0 NaN Afghanistan 33.0000 65.0000 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 1939 2171 2335 2469 2704 2894 3224 3392 3563 3778
1 NaN Albania 41.1533 20.1683 0 0 0 0 0 0 ... 766 773 782 789 795 803 820 832 842 850

2 rows × 112 columns


In [12]:
df_confirmed = df_confirmed.rename(columns={"Province/State":"state","Country/Region": "country"})
df_deaths = df_deaths.rename(columns={"Province/State":"state","Country/Region": "country"})
df_covid19 = df_covid19.rename(columns={"Country_Region": "country"})
df_covid19["Active"] = df_covid19["Confirmed"]-df_covid19["Recovered"]-df_covid19["Deaths"]
# df_recovered = df_recovered.rename(columns={"Province/State":"state","Country/Region": "country"})
In [13]:
# Changing the conuntry names as required by pycountry_convert Lib
df_confirmed.loc[df_confirmed['country'] == "US", "country"] = "USA"
df_deaths.loc[df_deaths['country'] == "US", "country"] = "USA"
df_covid19.loc[df_covid19['country'] == "US", "country"] = "USA"
df_table.loc[df_table['Country_Region'] == "US", "Country_Region"] = "USA"
# df_recovered.loc[df_recovered['country'] == "US", "country"] = "USA"

df_confirmed.loc[df_confirmed['country'] == 'Korea, South', "country"] = 'South Korea'
df_deaths.loc[df_deaths['country'] == 'Korea, South', "country"] = 'South Korea'
df_covid19.loc[df_covid19['country'] == "Korea, South", "country"] = "South Korea"
df_table.loc[df_table['Country_Region'] == "Korea, South", "Country_Region"] = "South Korea"
# df_recovered.loc[df_recovered['country'] == 'Korea, South', "country"] = 'South Korea'

df_confirmed.loc[df_confirmed['country'] == 'Taiwan*', "country"] = 'Taiwan'
df_deaths.loc[df_deaths['country'] == 'Taiwan*', "country"] = 'Taiwan'
df_covid19.loc[df_covid19['country'] == "Taiwan*", "country"] = "Taiwan"
df_table.loc[df_table['Country_Region'] == "Taiwan*", "Country_Region"] = "Taiwan"
# df_recovered.loc[df_recovered['country'] == 'Taiwan*', "country"] = 'Taiwan'

df_confirmed.loc[df_confirmed['country'] == 'Congo (Kinshasa)', "country"] = 'Democratic Republic of the Congo'
df_deaths.loc[df_deaths['country'] == 'Congo (Kinshasa)', "country"] = 'Democratic Republic of the Congo'
df_covid19.loc[df_covid19['country'] == "Congo (Kinshasa)", "country"] = "Democratic Republic of the Congo"
df_table.loc[df_table['Country_Region'] == "Congo (Kinshasa)", "Country_Region"] = "Democratic Republic of the Congo"
# df_recovered.loc[df_recovered['country'] == 'Congo (Kinshasa)', "country"] = 'Democratic Republic of the Congo'

df_confirmed.loc[df_confirmed['country'] == "Cote d'Ivoire", "country"] = "Côte d'Ivoire"
df_deaths.loc[df_deaths['country'] == "Cote d'Ivoire", "country"] = "Côte d'Ivoire"
df_covid19.loc[df_covid19['country'] == "Cote d'Ivoire", "country"] = "Côte d'Ivoire"
df_table.loc[df_table['Country_Region'] == "Cote d'Ivoire", "Country_Region"] = "Côte d'Ivoire"
# df_recovered.loc[df_recovered['country'] == "Cote d'Ivoire", "country"] = "Côte d'Ivoire"

df_confirmed.loc[df_confirmed['country'] == "Reunion", "country"] = "Réunion"
df_deaths.loc[df_deaths['country'] == "Reunion", "country"] = "Réunion"
df_covid19.loc[df_covid19['country'] == "Reunion", "country"] = "Réunion"
df_table.loc[df_table['Country_Region'] == "Reunion", "Country_Region"] = "Réunion"
# df_recovered.loc[df_recovered['country'] == "Reunion", "country"] = "Réunion"

df_confirmed.loc[df_confirmed['country'] == 'Congo (Brazzaville)', "country"] = 'Republic of the Congo'
df_deaths.loc[df_deaths['country'] == 'Congo (Brazzaville)', "country"] = 'Republic of the Congo'
df_covid19.loc[df_covid19['country'] == "Congo (Brazzaville)", "country"] = "Republic of the Congo"
df_table.loc[df_table['Country_Region'] == "Congo (Brazzaville)", "Country_Region"] = "Republic of the Congo"
# df_recovered.loc[df_recovered['country'] == 'Congo (Brazzaville)', "country"] = 'Republic of the Congo'

df_confirmed.loc[df_confirmed['country'] == 'Bahamas, The', "country"] = 'Bahamas'
df_deaths.loc[df_deaths['country'] == 'Bahamas, The', "country"] = 'Bahamas'
df_covid19.loc[df_covid19['country'] == "Bahamas, The", "country"] = "Bahamas"
df_table.loc[df_table['Country_Region'] == "Bahamas, The", "Country_Region"] = "Bahamas"
# df_recovered.loc[df_recovered['country'] == 'Bahamas, The', "country"] = 'Bahamas'

df_confirmed.loc[df_confirmed['country'] == 'Gambia, The', "country"] = 'Gambia'
df_deaths.loc[df_deaths['country'] == 'Gambia, The', "country"] = 'Gambia'
df_covid19.loc[df_covid19['country'] == "Gambia, The", "country"] = "Gambia"
df_table.loc[df_table['Country_Region'] == "Gambia", "Country_Region"] = "Gambia"
# df_recovered.loc[df_recovered['country'] == 'Gambia, The', "country"] = 'Gambia'

# getting all countries
countries = np.asarray(df_confirmed["country"])
countries1 = np.asarray(df_covid19["country"])
# Continent_code to Continent_names
continents = {
    'NA': 'North America',
    'SA': 'South America', 
    'AS': 'Asia',
    'OC': 'Australia',
    'AF': 'Africa',
    'EU' : 'Europe',
    'na' : 'Others'

# Defininng Function for getting continent code for country.
def country_to_continent_code(country):
        return pc.country_alpha2_to_continent_code(pc.country_name_to_country_alpha2(country))
    except :
        return 'na'

#Collecting Continent Information
df_confirmed.insert(2,"continent", [continents[country_to_continent_code(country)] for country in countries[:]])
df_deaths.insert(2,"continent",  [continents[country_to_continent_code(country)] for country in countries[:]])
df_covid19.insert(1,"continent",  [continents[country_to_continent_code(country)] for country in countries1[:]])
df_table.insert(1,"continent",  [continents[country_to_continent_code(country)] for country in df_table["Country_Region"].values])
# df_recovered.insert(2,"continent",  [continents[country_to_continent_code(country)] for country in countries[:]] )   
In [14]:
df_table = df_table[df_table["continent"] != "Others"]
In [15]:
df_deaths[df_deaths["continent" ]== 'Others']
state country continent Lat Long 1/22/20 1/23/20 1/24/20 1/25/20 1/26/20 ... 4/29/20 4/30/20 5/1/20 5/2/20 5/3/20 5/4/20 5/5/20 5/6/20 5/7/20 5/8/20
88 NaN Diamond Princess Others 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0 ... 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13 13
127 NaN Holy See Others 41.902900 12.453400 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
236 NaN Timor-Leste Others -8.874217 125.727539 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
241 NaN West Bank and Gaza Others 31.952200 35.233200 0 0 0 0 0 ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
247 NaN Kosovo Others 42.602636 20.902977 0 0 0 0 0 ... 22 22 22 22 22 26 26 26 27 27
248 NaN Burma Others 21.916200 95.956000 0 0 0 0 0 ... 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6 6
252 NaN MS Zaandam Others 0.000000 0.000000 0 0 0 0 0 ... 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2
261 NaN Western Sahara Others 24.215500 -12.885800 0 0 0 0 0 ... 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

8 rows × 113 columns

In [16]:
df_confirmed = df_confirmed.replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
df_deaths = df_deaths.replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
# df_recovered = df_recovered.replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)
# df_active = df_active.replace(np.nan, '', regex=True)

Defining Functions

  • plot_params()
  • visualize_covid_cases()
  • get_mortality_rate()
In [17]:
def plot_params(ax,axis_label= None, plt_title = None,label_size=15, axis_fsize = 15, title_fsize = 20, scale = 'linear' ):
    # Tick-Parameters
    ax.tick_params(which='both', width=1,labelsize=label_size)
    ax.tick_params(which='major', length=6)
    ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=3, color='0.8')
    # Grid
    plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.7", which = 'major')
    plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.9", which = 'minor')

    # Plot Title
    plt.title( plt_title,{'fontsize':title_fsize})
    # Yaxis sacle
    # Plot Axes Labels
    xl = plt.xlabel(axis_label[0],fontsize = axis_fsize)
    yl = plt.ylabel(axis_label[1],fontsize = axis_fsize)
def visualize_covid_cases(confirmed, deaths, continent=None , country = None , state = None, period = None, figure = None, scale = "linear"):
    x = 0
    if figure == None:
        f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10))
        # Sub plot
        ax = f.add_subplot(111)
    else :
        f = figure[0]
        # Sub plot
        ax = f.add_subplot(figure[1],figure[2],figure[3])
    plt.tight_layout(pad=10, w_pad=5, h_pad=5)
    stats = [confirmed, deaths]
    label = ["Confirmed", "Deaths"]
    if continent != None:
        params = ["continent",continent]
    elif country != None:
        params = ["country",country]
        params = ["All", "All"]
    color = ["darkcyan","crimson"]
    marker_style = dict(linewidth=3, linestyle='-', marker='o',markersize=4, markerfacecolor='#ffffff')
    for i,stat in enumerate(stats):
        if params[1] == "All" :
            cases = np.sum(np.asarray(stat.iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)[x:]
        else :
            cases = np.sum(np.asarray(stat[stat[params[0]] == params[1]].iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)[x:]
        date = np.arange(1,cases.shape[0]+1)[x:]
        plt.plot(date,cases,label = label[i]+" (Total : "+str(cases[-1])+")",color=color[i],**marker_style)

    if params[1] == "All" :
        Total_confirmed = np.sum(np.asarray(stats[0].iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)[x:]
        Total_deaths = np.sum(np.asarray(stats[1].iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)[x:]
    else :
        Total_confirmed =  np.sum(np.asarray(stats[0][stat[params[0]] == params[1]].iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)[x:]
        Total_deaths = np.sum(np.asarray(stats[1][stat[params[0]] == params[1]].iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)[x:]
    text = "From "+stats[0].columns[5]+" to "+stats[0].columns[-1]+"\n"
    text += "Mortality rate : "+ str(int(Total_deaths[-1]/(Total_confirmed[-1])*10000)/100)+"\n"
    text += "Last 5 Days:\n"
    text += "Confirmed : " + str(Total_confirmed[-1] - Total_confirmed[-6])+"\n"
    text += "Deaths : " + str(Total_deaths[-1] - Total_deaths[-6])+"\n"
    text += "Last 24 Hours:\n"
    text += "Confirmed : " + str(Total_confirmed[-1] - Total_confirmed[-2])+"\n"
    text += "Deaths : " + str(Total_deaths[-1] - Total_deaths[-2])+"\n"
    plt.text(0.02, 0.78, text, fontsize=15, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes,bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.4))
    # Plot Axes Labels
    axis_label = ["Days ("+df_confirmed.columns[5]+" - "+df_confirmed.columns[-1]+")","No of Cases"]
    # Plot Parameters
    plot_params(ax,axis_label,scale = scale)
    # Plot Title
    if params[1] == "All" :
        plt.title("COVID-19 Cases World",{'fontsize':25})
        plt.title("COVID-19 Cases for "+params[1] ,{'fontsize':25})
    # Legend Location
    l = plt.legend(loc= "best",fontsize = 15)
    if figure == None:
def get_total_cases(cases, country = "All"):
    if(country == "All") :
        return np.sum(np.asarray(cases.iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)[-1]
    else :
        return np.sum(np.asarray(cases[cases["country"] == country].iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)[-1]
def get_mortality_rate(confirmed,deaths, continent = None, country = None):
    if continent != None:
        params = ["continent",continent]
    elif country != None:
        params = ["country",country]
    else :
        params = ["All", "All"]
    if params[1] == "All" :
        Total_confirmed = np.sum(np.asarray(confirmed.iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)
        Total_deaths = np.sum(np.asarray(deaths.iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)
        mortality_rate = np.round((Total_deaths/(Total_confirmed+1.01))*100,2)
    else :
        Total_confirmed =  np.sum(np.asarray(confirmed[confirmed[params[0]] == params[1]].iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)
        Total_deaths = np.sum(np.asarray(deaths[deaths[params[0]] == params[1]].iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0)
        mortality_rate = np.round((Total_deaths/(Total_confirmed+1.01))*100,2)
    return np.nan_to_num(mortality_rate)
def dd(date1,date2):
    return (datetime.strptime(date1,'%m/%d/%y') - datetime.strptime(date2,'%m/%d/%y')).days

out = ""#+"output/"

Exploratory Analysis of Data

In [18]:
df_countries_cases = df_covid19.copy().drop(['Lat','Long_','continent','Last_Update'],axis =1)
df_countries_cases.index = df_countries_cases["country"]
df_countries_cases = df_countries_cases.drop(['country'],axis=1)

df_continents_cases = df_covid19.copy().drop(['Lat','Long_','country','Last_Update'],axis =1)
df_continents_cases = df_continents_cases.groupby(["continent"]).sum()


Global Reported Cases as of May 9th, 2020

In [19]:
df_t = pd.DataFrame(pd.to_numeric(df_countries_cases.sum()),dtype=np.float64).transpose()
df_t["Mortality Rate (per 100)"] = np.round(100*df_t["Deaths"]/df_t["Confirmed"],2)'Wistia',axis=1).format("{:.0f}",subset=["Confirmed"])
Confirmed Deaths Recovered Active Incident_Rate Mortality Rate (per 100)
0 3998677 277692.000000 1348288.000000 2372697.000000 17354.560052 6.940000

Separate by Continent

In [20]:
df_continents_cases["Mortality Rate (per 100)"] = np.round(100*df_continents_cases["Deaths"]/df_continents_cases["Confirmed"],2)'Blues',subset=["Confirmed"])\
                        .background_gradient(cmap='YlOrBr',subset=["Mortality Rate (per 100)"])
Confirmed Deaths Recovered Active Incident_Rate Mortality Rate (per 100)
Africa 59840 2197 20553 37090 573.114265 3.670000
Asia 649986 21826 358140 270020 2995.187065 3.360000
Australia 8447 118 7524 805 60.252932 1.400000
Europe 1566188 151594 604434 810160 10376.062745 9.680000
North America 1425429 87196 256413 1081820 1147.651261 6.120000
Others 2177 50 1531 596 1541.375023 2.300000
South America 286610 14711 99693 172206 660.916762 5.130000

Separate by Country

In [21]:
# df_countries_cases.sort_values('Confirmed', ascending= False).style.background_gradient(cmap='Wistia')
df_countries_cases["Mortality Rate (per 100)"] = np.round(100*df_countries_cases["Deaths"]/df_countries_cases["Confirmed"],2)
df_countries_cases.sort_values('Confirmed', ascending= False).style.background_gradient(cmap='Blues',subset=["Confirmed"])\
                        .background_gradient(cmap='YlOrBr',subset=["Mortality Rate (per 100)"])
Confirmed Deaths Recovered Active Incident_Rate Mortality Rate (per 100)
USA 1300079 78320 198993 1022766 394.601532 6.020000
Spain 222857 26299 131148 65410 476.650699 11.800000
Italy 218268 30395 103031 84842 361.001325 13.930000
United Kingdom 216525 31662 1001 183862 318.953816 14.620000
Russia 198676 1827 31916 164933 136.140566 0.920000
France 176781 26313 56148 94320 270.831145 14.880000
Germany 171145 7532 143300 20313 204.269446 4.400000
Brazil 148670 10100 59297 79273 69.942799 6.790000
Turkey 137115 3739 89480 43896 162.575903 2.730000
Iran 106220 6589 85064 14567 126.462990 6.200000
China 83976 4637 79056 283 5.978317 5.520000
Canada 68814 4816 31073 32925 181.779749 7.000000
India 62808 2101 19301 41406 4.551290 3.350000
Peru 61847 1714 19012 41121 187.575182 2.770000
Belgium 52596 8581 13411 30604 453.820040 16.310000
Netherlands 42581 5440 147 36994 248.504906 12.780000
Saudi Arabia 37136 239 10144 26753 106.670138 0.640000
Mexico 31522 3160 20314 8048 24.448404 10.020000
Switzerland 30251 1830 26100 2321 349.535936 6.050000
Ecuador 29071 1717 3433 23921 164.773004 5.910000
Pakistan 28736 636 7809 20291 13.009053 2.210000
Portugal 27406 1126 2499 23781 268.773046 4.110000
Chile 27219 304 12667 14248 142.387018 1.120000
Sweden 25921 3220 4971 17730 256.662115 12.420000
Ireland 22760 1446 17110 4204 460.934393 6.350000
Singapore 22460 20 2296 20144 383.909114 0.090000
Belarus 22052 126 6050 15876 233.371266 0.570000
Qatar 21331 13 2449 18869 740.387219 0.060000
United Arab Emirates 17417 185 4295 12937 176.100057 1.060000
Israel 16454 247 11376 4831 190.097881 1.500000
Austria 15833 615 13928 1290 175.797211 3.880000
Poland 15651 785 5437 9429 41.353775 5.020000
Japan 15575 590 5146 9839 12.314545 3.790000
Romania 15131 936 6912 7283 78.652927 6.190000
Ukraine 14710 376 2909 11425 33.635343 2.560000
Bangladesh 13770 214 2414 11142 8.361195 1.550000
Indonesia 13645 959 2607 10079 4.988600 7.030000
South Korea 10840 256 9568 1016 21.143306 2.360000
Philippines 10610 704 1842 8064 9.682328 6.640000
Denmark 10517 526 8291 1700 181.571675 5.000000
Colombia 10051 428 2424 7199 19.753204 4.260000
Serbia 9943 209 2453 7281 113.798546 2.100000
Dominican Republic 9882 385 2584 6913 91.095939 3.900000
South Africa 9420 186 3983 5251 15.883001 1.970000
Egypt 8964 514 2002 6448 8.759518 5.730000
Czechia 8089 276 4446 3367 75.534724 3.410000
Norway 8084 219 32 7833 149.117121 2.710000
Panama 8070 231 886 6953 187.032072 2.860000
Kuwait 7623 49 2622 4952 178.501055 0.640000
Australia 6929 97 6134 698 27.215560 1.400000
Malaysia 6589 108 4929 1552 20.357784 1.640000
Morocco 5910 186 2461 3263 16.011679 3.150000
Finland 5880 265 4000 1615 106.123430 4.510000
Argentina 5611 293 1728 3590 12.414877 5.220000
Algeria 5558 494 2546 2518 12.674727 8.890000
Kazakhstan 4946 31 1740 3175 26.341147 0.630000
Moldova 4867 161 1925 2781 120.650586 3.310000
Bahrain 4595 8 2049 2538 270.042660 0.170000
Afghanistan 4033 115 502 3416 10.360061 2.850000
Ghana 4012 18 323 3671 12.911554 0.450000
Nigeria 3912 117 679 3116 1.897743 2.990000
Luxembourg 3877 101 3550 226 619.352819 2.610000
Oman 3224 17 1068 2139 63.133711 0.530000
Hungary 3213 405 904 1904 33.259665 12.610000
Armenia 3175 44 1267 1864 107.146449 1.390000
Thailand 3004 56 2787 161 4.303726 1.860000
Greece 2710 151 1374 1185 26.000052 5.570000
Iraq 2679 107 1702 870 6.660451 3.990000
Azerbaijan 2422 31 1620 771 23.887545 1.280000
Uzbekistan 2349 10 1803 536 7.018393 0.430000
Cameroon 2274 108 1232 934 8.566306 4.750000
Bolivia 2266 106 237 1923 19.412271 4.680000
Croatia 2176 87 1726 363 53.005066 4.000000
Bosnia and Herzegovina 2090 102 1059 929 63.703683 4.880000
Guinea 2009 11 663 1335 15.297585 0.550000
Bulgaria 1921 90 422 1409 27.646473 4.690000
Iceland 1801 10 1773 18 527.765568 0.560000
Honduras 1771 107 192 1472 17.880566 6.040000
Cuba 1754 74 1140 540 15.485649 4.220000
Estonia 1733 60 747 926 130.640712 3.460000
Senegal 1634 15 643 976 9.758760 0.920000
North Macedonia 1622 91 1112 419 77.854256 5.610000
Côte d'Ivoire 1602 20 754 828 6.073180 1.250000
New Zealand 1492 21 1368 103 30.940023 1.410000
Slovakia 1455 26 919 510 26.650094 1.790000
Slovenia 1454 101 255 1098 69.939758 6.950000
Lithuania 1444 49 828 567 53.043558 3.390000
Djibouti 1189 3 834 352 120.343886 0.250000
Sudan 1111 59 102 950 2.533680 5.310000
Tunisia 1030 45 638 347 8.715063 4.370000
Somalia 997 48 110 839 6.273116 4.810000
Democratic Republic of the Congo 937 39 130 768 1.046210 4.160000
Kyrgyzstan 931 12 658 261 14.269968 1.290000
Latvia 930 18 464 448 49.305430 1.940000
Guatemala 900 24 101 775 5.023564 2.670000
Cyprus 892 15 401 476 73.880140 1.680000
Kosovo 861 27 562 272 47.559444 3.140000
Albania 856 31 627 198 29.744944 3.620000
Sri Lanka 847 9 260 578 3.955495 1.060000
Lebanon 809 26 234 549 11.852712 3.210000
Niger 795 44 600 151 3.284223 5.530000
El Salvador 784 16 276 492 12.087199 2.040000
Costa Rica 780 6 480 294 15.311789 0.770000
Maldives 766 3 20 743 141.709617 0.390000
Andorra 754 48 545 161 975.862292 6.370000
Burkina Faso 748 48 569 131 3.578386 6.420000
Diamond Princess 712 13 645 54 0.000000 1.830000
Uruguay 694 18 506 170 19.978542 2.590000
Mali 692 37 298 357 3.417143 5.350000
Paraguay 689 10 155 524 9.659966 1.450000
Kenya 649 30 207 412 1.206964 4.620000
Guinea-Bissau 641 3 25 613 32.571171 0.470000
San Marino 637 41 126 470 1876.952089 6.440000
Georgia 626 10 297 319 15.692468 1.600000
Gabon 620 8 110 502 27.856054 1.290000
Tajikistan 612 20 0 592 6.416680 3.270000
Jordan 522 9 387 126 5.116072 1.720000
Tanzania 509 21 183 305 0.852108 4.130000
Jamaica 490 9 62 419 16.547564 1.840000
Malta 490 5 427 58 110.975474 1.020000
Taiwan 440 6 361 73 1.847437 1.360000
Equatorial Guinea 439 4 13 422 31.290427 0.910000
Venezuela 388 10 190 188 1.364470 2.580000
West Bank and Gaza 375 2 228 145 7.350900 0.530000
Mauritius 332 10 320 2 26.105411 3.010000
Montenegro 324 8 274 42 51.587264 2.470000
Chad 322 31 53 238 1.960324 9.630000
Sierra Leone 291 18 58 215 3.647995 6.190000
Vietnam 288 0 241 47 0.295874 0.000000
Benin 284 2 62 220 2.342616 0.700000
Republic of the Congo 274 10 33 231 4.965484 3.650000
Rwanda 273 0 136 137 2.107749 0.000000
Zambia 252 7 112 133 1.370760 2.780000
Cabo Verde 236 2 44 190 42.446959 0.850000
Ethiopia 210 5 97 108 0.182667 2.380000
Sao Tome and Principe 208 5 4 199 94.907397 2.400000
Liberia 199 20 79 100 3.934613 10.050000
Madagascar 193 0 101 92 0.696977 0.000000
Burma 178 6 68 104 0.327147 3.370000
Eswatini 159 2 12 145 13.704959 1.260000
Togo 153 10 87 56 1.848108 6.540000
Haiti 146 12 17 117 1.280417 8.220000
Central African Republic 143 0 10 133 2.960807 0.000000
Brunei 141 1 132 8 32.229824 0.710000
Cambodia 122 0 120 2 0.729710 0.000000
South Sudan 120 0 2 118 1.072029 0.000000
Trinidad and Tobago 116 8 103 5 8.288728 6.900000
Uganda 114 0 55 59 0.249229 0.000000
Nepal 109 0 31 78 0.374097 0.000000
Monaco 95 4 82 9 242.075222 4.210000
Guyana 94 10 35 49 11.950788 10.640000
Bahamas 92 11 31 50 23.394906 11.960000
Mozambique 87 0 34 53 0.278352 0.000000
Barbados 83 7 53 23 28.882525 8.430000
Liechtenstein 82 1 55 26 215.014291 1.220000
Libya 64 3 24 37 0.931412 4.690000
Malawi 56 3 14 39 0.292735 5.360000
Syria 47 3 29 15 0.268561 6.380000
Angola 43 2 13 28 0.130833 4.650000
Mongolia 42 0 14 28 1.281155 0.000000
Eritrea 39 0 37 2 1.099698 0.000000
Zimbabwe 35 4 9 22 0.235485 11.430000
Yemen 34 7 1 26 0.113995 20.590000
Antigua and Barbuda 25 3 19 3 25.528960 12.000000
Timor-Leste 24 0 21 3 1.820330 0.000000
Botswana 23 1 12 10 0.978047 4.350000
Grenada 21 0 13 8 18.663515 0.000000
Gambia 20 1 9 10 0.827587 5.000000
Laos 19 0 13 6 0.261148 0.000000
Belize 18 2 16 0 4.526924 11.110000
Saint Lucia 18 0 17 1 9.802373 0.000000
Fiji 18 0 14 4 2.007934 0.000000
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 17 0 9 8 15.322632 0.000000
Namibia 16 0 10 6 0.629694 0.000000
Dominica 16 0 14 2 22.225000 0.000000
Nicaragua 16 5 7 4 0.241526 31.250000
Burundi 15 1 7 7 0.126148 6.670000
Saint Kitts and Nevis 15 0 13 2 28.199729 0.000000
Holy See 12 0 2 10 1483.312732 0.000000
Seychelles 11 0 8 3 11.185682 0.000000
Suriname 10 1 9 0 1.704640 10.000000
MS Zaandam 9 2 0 7 0.000000 22.220000
Comoros 8 1 0 7 0.919968 12.500000
Papua New Guinea 8 0 8 0 0.089415 0.000000
Mauritania 8 1 6 1 0.172056 12.500000
Bhutan 7 0 5 2 0.907192 0.000000
Western Sahara 6 0 5 1 1.004470 0.000000

Top 10 Countries by confirmed cases and deaths

In [22]:
f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))

plt.tick_params(size=5,labelsize = 13)
plt.xlabel("Confirmed Cases",fontsize=18)
plt.title("Top 10 Countries (Confirmed Cases)",fontsize=20)
plt.savefig(out+'Top 10 Countries (Confirmed Cases).png')
In [23]:
f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))

plt.tick_params(size=5,labelsize = 13)
plt.xlabel("Deaths Cases",fontsize=18)
plt.title("Top 10 Countries (Deaths Cases)",fontsize=20)
plt.savefig(out+'Top 10 Countries (Deaths Cases).png')
In [24]:
f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))

plt.tick_params(size=5,labelsize = 13)
plt.xlabel("Active Cases",fontsize=18)
plt.title("Top 10 Countries (Active Cases)",fontsize=20)
plt.savefig(out+'Top 10 Countries (Active Cases).png')
In [25]:
f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))

plt.tick_params(size=5,labelsize = 13)
plt.xlabel("Recovered Cases",fontsize=18)
plt.title("Top 10 Countries (Recovered Cases)",fontsize=20)
plt.savefig(out+'Top 10 Countries (Recovered Cases).png')

Correlation Analysis via Heat maps

In [26]:
Confirmed Deaths Recovered Active Incident_Rate Mortality Rate (per 100)
Confirmed 1.000000 0.945896 0.877932 0.963275 0.697792 0.865315
Deaths 0.945896 1.000000 0.880899 0.870557 0.843520 0.931568
Recovered 0.877932 0.880899 1.000000 0.718647 0.889489 0.825206
Active 0.963275 0.870557 0.718647 1.000000 0.502285 0.783994
Incident_Rate 0.697792 0.843520 0.889489 0.502285 1.000000 0.801121
Mortality Rate (per 100) 0.865315 0.931568 0.825206 0.783994 0.801121 1.000000
In [27]:
Confirmed Deaths Recovered Active Incident_Rate Mortality Rate (per 100)
Confirmed 1.000000 0.934452 0.793114 0.979671 0.175380 0.132300
Deaths 0.934452 1.000000 0.776117 0.892731 0.209303 0.255723
Recovered 0.793114 0.776117 1.000000 0.656396 0.193194 0.168869
Active 0.979671 0.892731 0.656396 1.000000 0.150524 0.097240
Incident_Rate 0.175380 0.209303 0.193194 0.150524 1.000000 0.059605
Mortality Rate (per 100) 0.132300 0.255723 0.168869 0.097240 0.059605 1.000000

Map Visualization

In [28]:
world_map = folium.Map(location=[10,0], tiles="cartodbpositron", zoom_start=2,max_zoom=6,min_zoom=2)
for i in range(0,len(df_confirmed)):
        location=[df_confirmed.iloc[i]['Lat'], df_confirmed.iloc[i]['Long']],
        tooltip = "<h5 style='text-align:center;font-weight: bold'>"+df_confirmed.iloc[i]['country']+"</h5>"+
                    "<div style='text-align:center;'>"+str(np.nan_to_num(df_confirmed.iloc[i]['state']))+"</div>"+
                    "<hr style='margin:10px;'>"+
                    "<ul style='color: #444;list-style-type:circle;align-item:left;padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px'>"+
        "<li>Confirmed: "+str(df_confirmed.iloc[i,-1])+"</li>"+
        "<li>Deaths:   "+str(df_deaths.iloc[i,-1])+"</li>"+
        "<li>Mortality Rate:   "+str(np.round(df_deaths.iloc[i,-1]/(df_confirmed.iloc[i,-1]+1.00001)*100,2))+"</li>"+

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
In [29]:
temp_df = pd.DataFrame(df_countries_cases['Confirmed'])
temp_df = temp_df.reset_index()
fig = px.choropleth(temp_df, locations="country",
                    color=np.log10(temp_df["Confirmed"]), # lifeExp is a column of gapminder
                    hover_name="country", # column to add to hover information
                    color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Plasma,locationmode="country names")
fig.update_geos(fitbounds="locations", visible=False)
fig.update_layout(title_text="Confirmed Cases Heat Map (Log Scale)")
fig.update_coloraxes(colorbar_title="Confirmed Cases(Log Scale)",colorscale="Blues")
# fig.to_image("Global Heat Map confirmed.png")
In [30]:
temp_df = pd.DataFrame(df_countries_cases['Deaths'])
temp_df = temp_df.reset_index()
fig = px.choropleth(temp_df, locations="country",
                    color=np.log10(temp_df["Deaths"]+1), # lifeExp is a column of gapminder
                    hover_name="country", # column to add to hover information
                    color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Plasma,locationmode="country names")
fig.update_geos(fitbounds="locations", visible=False)
fig.update_layout(title_text="Deaths Heat Map (Log Scale)")
fig.update_coloraxes(colorbar_title="Deaths (Log Scale)",colorscale="Reds")
# fig.to_image("Global Heat Map deaths.png")
In [31]:
temp_df = pd.DataFrame(df_countries_cases['Recovered'])
temp_df = temp_df.reset_index()
fig = px.choropleth(temp_df, locations="country",
                    color=np.log10(temp_df.iloc[:,-1]+1), # lifeExp is a column of gapminder
                    hover_name="country", # column to add to hover information
                    color_continuous_scale=px.colors.sequential.Plasma,locationmode="country names")
fig.update_geos(fitbounds="locations", visible=False)
fig.update_layout(title_text="Recovered Heat Map (Log Scale)")
# fig.to_image("Global Heat Map deaths.png")
In [32]:
df_data = df_table.groupby(['Last_Update', 'Country_Region'])['Confirmed', 'Deaths'].max().reset_index().fillna(0)
df_data["Last_Update"] = pd.to_datetime( df_data["Last_Update"]).dt.strftime('%m/%d/%Y')

fig = px.scatter_geo(df_data, locations="Country_Region", locationmode='country names', 
                     color=np.power(df_data["Confirmed"],0.3)-2 , size= np.power(df_data["Confirmed"]+1,0.3)-1, hover_name="Country_Region",
                     range_color= [0, max(np.power(df_data["Confirmed"],0.3))], 
                     projection="natural earth", animation_frame="Last_Update", 
                     title='COVID-19: Progression of spread'

COVID-19 Spread Analysis

  1. Spread across the world
  2. Spread trends for the world, continents, and countries
In [33]:
case_nums_country = df_confirmed.groupby("country").sum().drop(['Lat','Long'],axis =1).apply(lambda x: x[x > 0].count(), axis =0)
d = [datetime.strptime(date,'%m/%d/%y').strftime("%d %b") for date in case_nums_country.index]

f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,8))
marker_style = dict(c="darkblue",linewidth=6, linestyle='-', marker='o',markersize=8, markerfacecolor='#ffffff')
plt.plot(d, case_nums_country,**marker_style)
plt.tick_params(labelsize = 14)

plt.ylabel("Number of Countries/Regions",fontsize=1)
plt.grid(alpha = 0.3)

In [34]:
cols = 1
rows = 1
f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,10*rows))

visualize_covid_cases(df_confirmed, df_deaths,continent = "All",figure = [f,rows,cols, 1])

In [35]:
df_continents= df_confirmed.groupby(["continent"]).sum()
continents = df_continents.sort_values(df_continents.columns[-1],ascending = False).index

cols =2
rows = int(np.ceil(continents.shape[0]/cols))
f = plt.figure(figsize=(20,9*rows))
for i,continent in enumerate(continents):
    visualize_covid_cases(df_confirmed, df_deaths, continent = continent,figure = [f,rows,cols, i+1])
In [36]:
df_countries = df_confirmed.groupby(["country"]).sum()
df_countries = df_countries.sort_values(df_countries.columns[-1],ascending = False)
countries = df_countries[df_countries[df_countries.columns[-1]] >= 4000].index

cols =2
rows = int(np.ceil(countries.shape[0]/cols))
f = plt.figure(figsize=(18,7*rows))
for i,country in enumerate(countries):
    visualize_covid_cases(df_confirmed, df_deaths,country = country,figure = [f,rows,cols, i+1])
In [37]:
temp = df_confirmed.groupby('country').sum().drop(["Lat","Long"],axis =1).sort_values(df_confirmed.columns[-1], ascending= False)

threshold = 50
f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,12))
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
for i,country in enumerate(temp.index):
    if i >= 9:
        if country != "USA" and country != "Japan" :
    days = 60
    t = temp.loc[temp.index== country].values[0]
    t = t[t>threshold][:days]
    date = np.arange(0,len(t[:days]))
    xnew = np.linspace(date.min(), date.max(), 30)
    spl = make_interp_spline(date, t, k=1)  # type: BSpline
    power_smooth = spl(xnew)
    if country != "USA":
        plt.plot(xnew,power_smooth,'-o',label = country,linewidth =3, markevery=[-1])
        marker_style = dict(linewidth=4, linestyle='-', marker='o',markersize=10, markerfacecolor='#ffffff')
        plt.plot(date,t,"-.",label = country,**marker_style)

plt.tick_params(labelsize = 14)        
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,days,7),[ "Day "+str(i) for i in range(days)][::7])     

# Reference lines 
x = np.arange(0,18)
y = 2**(x+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate("No. of cases doubles every day",(x[-2],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,int(days-22))
y = 2**(x/2+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every second day",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,int(days-4))
y = 2**(x/7+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every week",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,int(days-4))
y = 2**(x/30+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every month",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

# India is following trend similar to doulbe the cases in 4 days but it may increase the rate 
x = np.arange(0,int(days-5))
y = 2**(x/4+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "Red")
plt.annotate(".. every 4 days",(x[-3],y[-1]),color="Red",xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.8)

# plot Params
plt.ylabel("Number of Confirmed Cases",fontsize=17)
plt.title("Trend Comparison of Different Countries\n and USA (confirmed) ",fontsize=22)
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.savefig(out+'Trend Comparison with USA (confirmed).png')
In [38]:
temp = df_deaths.groupby('country').sum().drop(["Lat","Long"],axis =1).sort_values(df_deaths.columns[-1], ascending= False)

threshold = 10
f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,12))
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
for i,country in enumerate(temp.index):
    if i >= 10:
    days = 60
    t = temp.loc[temp.index== country].values[0]
    t = t[t>threshold][:days]
    date = np.arange(0,len(t[:days]))
    xnew = np.linspace(date.min(), date.max(), 30)
    spl = make_interp_spline(date, t, k=1)  # type: BSpline
    power_smooth = spl(xnew)
    plt.plot(xnew,power_smooth,'-o',label = country,linewidth =3, markevery=[-1])

plt.tick_params(labelsize = 14)        
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,days,7),[ "Day "+str(i) for i in range(days)][::7])     

# Reference lines 
x = np.arange(0,18)
y = 2**(x+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate("No. of cases doubles every day",(x[-2],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days-22)
y = 2**(x/2+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every second day",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days-3)
y = 2**(x/7+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every week",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days-3)
y = 2**(x/30+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every month",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

# plot Params
plt.ylabel("Number of Deaths",fontsize=17)
plt.title("Trend Comparison of Different Countries \n(Deaths)",fontsize=22)
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.savefig(out+'Trend Comparison countries deaths.png')
In [39]:
temp = df_confirmed.groupby('continent').sum().drop(["Lat","Long"],axis =1).sort_values(df_confirmed.columns[-1], ascending= False)

threshold = 50
f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,12))
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
for i,country in enumerate(temp.index):
    if i >= 10:
    days = 60
    t = temp.loc[temp.index== country].values[0]
    t = t[t>threshold][:days]
    date = np.arange(0,len(t[:days]))
    xnew = np.linspace(date.min(), date.max(), 30)
    spl = make_interp_spline(date, t, k=1)  # type: BSpline
    power_smooth = spl(xnew)
    plt.plot(xnew,power_smooth,'-o',label = country,linewidth =3, markevery=[-1])

plt.tick_params(labelsize = 14)        
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,days,7),[ "Day "+str(i) for i in range(days)][::7])     

# Reference lines 
x = np.arange(0,18)
y = 2**(x+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate("No. of cases doubles every day",(x[-2],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days-22)
y = 2**(x/2+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every second day",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days-2)
y = 2**(x/7+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every week",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days-3)
y = 2**(x/30+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every month",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

# plot Params
plt.ylabel("Number of Confirmed Cases",fontsize=17)
plt.title("Trend Comparison of Different Continents \n(confirmed) ",fontsize=22)
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.savefig(out+'Trend Comparison of continents (Confirmed).png')
In [40]:
temp = df_deaths.groupby('continent').sum().drop(["Lat","Long"],axis =1).sort_values(df_deaths.columns[-1], ascending= False)

threshold = 10
f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,12))
ax = f.add_subplot(111)
for i,country in enumerate(temp.index):
    if i >= 10:
    days = 60
    t = temp.loc[temp.index== country].values[0]
    t = t[t>threshold][:days]
    date = np.arange(0,len(t[:days]))
    xnew = np.linspace(date.min(), date.max(), 10)
    spl = make_interp_spline(date, t, k=1)  # type: BSpline
    power_smooth = spl(xnew)
    plt.plot(xnew,power_smooth,'-o',label = country,linewidth =3, markevery=[-1])

plt.tick_params(labelsize = 14)        
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,days,7),[ "Day "+str(i) for i in range(days)][::7])     

# Reference lines 
x = np.arange(0,18)
y = 2**(x+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate("No. of cases doubles every day",(x[-2],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days-22)
y = 2**(x/2+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every second day",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days-3)
y = 2**(x/7+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every week",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days-3)
y = 2**(x/30+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. every month",(x[-3],y[-1]),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

# plot Params
plt.ylabel("Number of Deaths",fontsize=17)
plt.title("Trend Comparison of Different Continents \n(Deaths)",fontsize=22)
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.savefig(out+'Trend Comparison continents (deaths).png')

Global Prediction

Global Trend:

Note: You can see that there is much variation in this trend. This is because there is no other factor involved. For example, testing capacity is a limiting factor which is not accounted for in this trend.

In [41]:
temp_data = df_confirmed.iloc[:,5:].sum(axis =0)
f = plt.figure(figsize=(20,12))

threshold = 100000

t = temp_data.values
t = t[t >threshold]

date = np.arange(0,len(t[:]))
xnew = np.linspace(date.min(), date.max(), 10)
spl = make_interp_spline(date, t, k=1)  # type: BSpline
power_smooth = spl(xnew)

marker_style = dict(linewidth=4, linestyle='-', marker='o',markersize=10, markerfacecolor='#ffffff')
plt.plot(date,t,"-.",label="Confirmed Cases",**marker_style)

days  = 80
# Reference lines 
x = np.arange(0,days)
y = 2**(x+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate("No. of Cases Doubles Every Day",(np.log2((t.max()-threshold)/threshold),t.max()-threshold/2),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days)
y = 2**(x/3+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate("...Every Third Day",(np.log2((t.max()-threshold)/threshold)*3,t.max()-threshold),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days)
y = 2**(x/7+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate("... Every Week",(np.log2((t.max()-threshold)/threshold)*7,t.max()-threshold),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days)
y = 2**(x/30+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "gray")
plt.annotate(".. Every Month",(18,2**(17/30+np.log2(threshold))),xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.5)

x = np.arange(0,days)
y = 2**(x/11+np.log2(threshold))
plt.plot(x,y,"--",linewidth =2,color = "Red")
plt.annotate(".. Every 11 Days",(np.log2((t.max()-threshold)/threshold)*9,t.max()-threshold),color="Red",xycoords="data",fontsize=14,alpha = 0.8)

plt.ylim(threshold - threshold/10,2*t.max())
# plot Params
# plt.tight_layout()
plt.tick_params(labelsize = 16)        
plt.xticks(np.arange(0,len(t[:])+7,7),[ "Day "+str(i) for i in range(len(t[:])+7)][::7]) 
plt.ylabel("Number of Confirmed Cases",fontsize=19)
plt.title("World Trend",fontsize=24)
plt.legend(loc = "upper left")
plt.savefig(out+"World Trend Confirmed cases.png")

Machine Learning Model

In [42]:
Visible = Input(shape=(1,))
Dense_l1 = Dense(80,name="Dense_l1")(Visible)
LRelu_l1 = LeakyReLU(name = "LRelu_l1")(Dense_l1)

Dense_l2 = Dense(80,name = "Dense_l2")(LRelu_l1)
LRelu_l2 = LeakyReLU(name = "LRelu_l2")(Dense_l2)

Dense_l3 = Dense(80,name = "Dense_l3")(LRelu_l2)
LRelu_l3 = LeakyReLU(name = "LRelu_l3")(Dense_l3)

Dense_l4 = Dense(1,name="Dense_l4")(LRelu_l3)
LRelu_l4 = LeakyReLU(name = "Output")(Dense_l4
model = models.Model(inputs=Visible, outputs=LRelu_l4)
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op Sub in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op Mul in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op Add in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op VarHandleOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op VarIsInitializedOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op LogicalNot in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op Assert in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op AssignVariableOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op Fill in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op VarHandleOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op VarHandleOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op VarHandleOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op Reshape in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op VarHandleOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op VarHandleOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op AssignVariableOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op VarHandleOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Model: "model_1"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_1 (InputLayer)         (None, 1)                 0         
Dense_l1 (Dense)             (None, 80)                160       
LRelu_l1 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l2 (Dense)             (None, 80)                6480      
LRelu_l2 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l3 (Dense)             (None, 80)                6480      
LRelu_l3 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l4 (Dense)             (None, 1)                 81        
Output (LeakyReLU)           (None, 1)                 0         
Total params: 13,201
Trainable params: 13,201
Non-trainable params: 0
In [43]:
data_y = np.log10(np.asarray(df_confirmed.iloc[:,5:].sum(axis =0)).astype("float32"))
data_x = np.arange(1,len(data_y)+1)
In [44]:
model = models.load_model("model_confirmed_v3.h5")
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op ReadVariableOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op Identity in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op ReadVariableOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op Identity in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Model: "model_2"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_2 (InputLayer)         (None, 1)                 0         
Dense_l1 (Dense)             (None, 80)                160       
LRelu_l1 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l2 (Dense)             (None, 80)                6480      
LRelu_l2 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l3 (Dense)             (None, 80)                6480      
LRelu_l3 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l4 (Dense)             (None, 1)                 81        
Output (LeakyReLU)           (None, 1)                 0         
Total params: 13,201
Trainable params: 13,201
Non-trainable params: 0
In [50]:
M = 1000000
prediction_days = 10

temp_data = df_confirmed.iloc[:,5:].sum(axis =0)
data = np.power(10,model.predict(np.arange(1,len(temp_data)+prediction_days+1)))
f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10))
ax = f.add_subplot(111)

date = np.arange(0,len(temp_data))

marker_style = dict(linewidth=3, linestyle='-', marker='o',markersize=7, markerfacecolor='#ffffff')
plt.plot(date,temp_data/M,"-.",color="darkcyan",**marker_style, label="Actual Curve")

date = np.arange(0,len(data))
plt.plot(date,data/M,"-.",color="orangered",label="Predicted Curve")

nextdays = [(datetime.strptime(d[-1],'%d %b')+timedelta(days=i)).strftime("%d %b") for i in range(1,prediction_days+1)]
total = d + nextdays

text = "Prediction for next "+str(prediction_days) +" days:\n"
for i in range(prediction_days):
    text += nextdays[i]+" : "+str(np.round(data[-1*(prediction_days-i)],-3)[0]/M)+" M\n"

plt.text(0.02, 0.78, text, fontsize=17, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes,bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.4))

# X-axis

# Tick-Parameters
ax.tick_params(which='both', width=1,labelsize=14)
ax.tick_params(which='major', length=6)
ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=3, color='0.8')

# Grid
plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.7", which = 'major')
plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.9", which = 'minor')

# Plot Title
plt.title("COVID-19 Next 10 day Prediction Curve-Global Confirmed Cases",{'fontsize':22})

# Axis Lable
plt.xlabel("Date",fontsize =18)
plt.ylabel("Number of Confirmed Cases (M)",fontsize =18)

# plt.yscale("log")
plt.legend(fontsize =18)
plt.tick_params(labelsize = 13) 
plt.savefig(out+"Prediction Curve-Confirmed.png")
In [51]:
Visible = Input(shape=(1,))
Dense_l1 = Dense(80,name="Dense_l1")(Visible)
LRelu_l1 = LeakyReLU(name = "LRelu_l1")(Dense_l1)

Dense_l2 = Dense(80,name = "Dense_l2")(LRelu_l1)
LRelu_l2 = LeakyReLU(name = "LRelu_l2")(Dense_l2)

Dense_l3 = Dense(80,name = "Dense_l3")(LRelu_l2)
LRelu_l3 = LeakyReLU(name = "LRelu_l3")(Dense_l3)

Dense_l4 = Dense(1,name="Dense_l4")(LRelu_l3)
LRelu_l4 = LeakyReLU(name = "Output")(Dense_l4
model2 = models.Model(inputs=Visible, outputs=LRelu_l4)
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Model: "model_2"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_2 (InputLayer)         (None, 1)                 0         
Dense_l1 (Dense)             (None, 80)                160       
LRelu_l1 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l2 (Dense)             (None, 80)                6480      
LRelu_l2 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l3 (Dense)             (None, 80)                6480      
LRelu_l3 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l4 (Dense)             (None, 1)                 81        
Output (LeakyReLU)           (None, 1)                 0         
Total params: 13,201
Trainable params: 13,201
Non-trainable params: 0
In [52]:
data1_y = np.log10(np.asarray(df_deaths.iloc[:,5:].sum(axis =0)).astype("float32"))
data1_x = np.arange(1,len(data1_y)+1)
In [53]:
model2 = models.load_model("model_deaths_v3.h5")
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Model: "model_3"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_3 (InputLayer)         (None, 1)                 0         
Dense_l1 (Dense)             (None, 80)                160       
LRelu_l1 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l2 (Dense)             (None, 80)                6480      
LRelu_l2 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l3 (Dense)             (None, 80)                6480      
LRelu_l3 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l4 (Dense)             (None, 1)                 81        
Output (LeakyReLU)           (None, 1)                 0         
Total params: 13,201
Trainable params: 13,201
Non-trainable params: 0
In [54]:
thousand = 1000
prediction_days = 10

temp_data = df_deaths.iloc[:,5:].sum(axis =0)
data = np.power(10,model2.predict(np.arange(1,len(temp_data)+prediction_days+1)))
f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10))
ax = f.add_subplot(111)

date = np.arange(0,len(temp_data))
# xnew = np.linspace(date.min(), date.max(), 10)
# spl = make_interp_spline(date, t, k=1)  # type: BSpline
# power_smooth = spl(xnew)

marker_style = dict(linewidth=3, linestyle='-', marker='o',markersize=7, markerfacecolor='#ffffff')
plt.plot(date,temp_data/thousand,"-.",color="maroon",**marker_style, label="Actual Curve")

date = np.arange(0,len(data))
plt.plot(date,data/thousand,"-.",color="orangered",label="Predicted Curve")

nextdays = [(datetime.strptime(d[-1],'%d %b')+timedelta(days=i)).strftime("%d %b") for i in range(1,prediction_days+1)]
total =d+nextdays

text = "Prediction for next "+str(prediction_days) +" days:\n"
for i in range(prediction_days):
    text += nextdays[i]+" : "+str(np.round(data[-1*(prediction_days-i)],-1)[0]/thousand)+"K\n"

plt.text(0.02, 0.78, text, fontsize=17, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes,bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.4))

# X-axis

# Tick-Parameters
ax.tick_params(which='both', width=1,labelsize=12)
ax.tick_params(which='major', length=6)
ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=3, color='0.8')

# Grid
plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.7", which = 'major')
plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.9", which = 'minor')

# Plot Title
plt.title("COVID-19 Next 10 day Prediction Curve-Global Deaths Cases",{'fontsize':22})

# Axis Lable
plt.xlabel("Date",fontsize =18)
plt.ylabel("Number of Deaths Cases (Thousand)",fontsize =18)

# plt.yscale("log")
plt.legend(fontsize =18)
plt.tick_params(labelsize = 13) 
plt.savefig(out+"Prediction Curve2.png")
Executing op __inference_keras_scratch_graph_2804 in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
In [55]:
start_date = "4/5/20"
sd= dd(start_date,"1/22/20")
nextdays = [(datetime.strptime(d[-1],'%d %b')+timedelta(days=i)).strftime("%d %b") for i in range(1,prediction_days+1)]
total =d+nextdays
data_confirmed = np.power(10,model.predict(np.arange(1,len(data_y)+prediction_days+1)))
data_deaths = np.power(10,model2.predict(np.arange(1,len(data_y)+prediction_days+1)))
              list(df_confirmed.iloc[:,5:].sum(axis =0)[sd:]),
             list(df_deaths.iloc[:,5:].sum(axis =0)[sd:])],
Executing op DestroyResourceOp in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Confirmed(Predicted) Confirmed(Actual) Deaths(Predicted) Deaths(Actual)
05 Apr 1247000 1249737 74680 73076
06 Apr 1329000 1321427 80330 78767
07 Apr 1416000 1396438 86400 86662
08 Apr 1494000 1480200 92930 93354
09 Apr 1570000 1565538 99960 100882
10 Apr 1650000 1657929 107510 108113
11 Apr 1735000 1736025 114890 114146
12 Apr 1820000 1835145 121300 119853
13 Apr 1898999 1905157 128070 125561
14 Apr 1980999 1975557 135220 132439
15 Apr 2066000 2055423 142760 140658
16 Apr 2154000 2151792 150740 147946
17 Apr 2238000 2239628 157880 156804
18 Apr 2316000 2317234 164210 163214
19 Apr 2393000 2400776 169450 167772
20 Apr 2473000 2471727 174850 173097
21 Apr 2550000 2549038 180430 180235
22 Apr 2622000 2624602 186150 186912
23 Apr 2695000 2708403 192050 193665
24 Apr 2771000 2795731 198080 199997
25 Apr 2848000 2881140 204310 206187
26 Apr 2927000 2955033 210730 209900
27 Apr 3008000 3023722 217350 214444
28 Apr 3092000 3097229 224170 220801
29 Apr 3178000 3172287 231200 227665
30 Apr 3265999 3256910 238450 233360
01 May 3357000 3343777 245930 238619
02 May 3424000 3427584 253640 243813
03 May 3460000 3506729 261590 247470
04 May 3497999 3583055 269790 251537
05 May 3549000 3662691 278250 257239
06 May 3608000 3755341 287020 263831
07 May 3668000 3845718 296680 269567
08 May 3714000 3938064 306890 274898
09 May 3760000 None 317440 None
10 May 3807000 None 327550 None
11 May 3854000 None 337200 None
12 May 3901000 None 346510 None
13 May 3950000 None 356020 None
14 May 3999000 None 365790 None
15 May 4047999 None 375670 None
16 May 4100000 None 385760 None
17 May 4153000 None 397860 None
18 May 4206000 None 411640 None
In [57]:
# Data
temp_data = np.nan_to_num(df_confirmed.sum()[5:].diff())

# Plot
f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10))
ax = f.add_subplot(111)

date = np.arange(0,len(temp_data))

marker_style = dict(linewidth=2, linestyle='-', marker='o',markersize=5)

nextdays = [(datetime.strptime(d[-1],'%d %b')+timedelta(days=i)).strftime("%d %b") for i in range(1,prediction_days+1)]
total =d+nextdays

# X-axis

# Tick-Parameters
ax.tick_params(which='both', width=1,labelsize=12)
ax.tick_params(which='major', length=6)
ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=3, color='0.8')

# Grid
plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.85", which = 'major')
plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.95", which = 'minor')

# Plot Title
plt.title("COVID-19 Global Daily New Confirmed Cases",{'fontsize':22})

# Axis Lable
plt.xlabel("Date",fontsize =18)
plt.ylabel("Number of Daily Confirmed Cases (Thousand)",fontsize =18)

# plt.yscale("log")
plt.tick_params(labelsize = 13) 
plt.savefig(out+"daily confirmed cases global.png")
In [58]:
# Data
temp_data = np.nan_to_num(df_deaths.sum()[5:].diff())

# Plot
f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10))
ax = f.add_subplot(111)

date = np.arange(0,len(temp_data))

marker_style = dict(linewidth=2, linestyle='-', marker='o',markersize=5)

nextdays = [(datetime.strptime(d[-1],'%d %b')+timedelta(days=i)).strftime("%d %b") for i in range(1,prediction_days+1)]
total =d+nextdays

# X-axis

# Tick-Parameters
ax.tick_params(which='both', width=1,labelsize=14)
ax.tick_params(which='major', length=6)
ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=3, color='0.8')

# Grid
plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.85", which = 'major')
plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.95", which = 'minor')

# Plot Title
plt.title("COVID-19 Global Daily Deaths Reported",{'fontsize':22})

# Axis Lable
plt.xlabel("Date",fontsize =18)
plt.ylabel("Number of Daily Deaths Reported (Thousand)",fontsize =18)

# plt.yscale("log")
plt.savefig(out+"daily deaths cases Global.png")


In [68]:
df_test = pd.read_csv("")[:-1]
# df_test
In [69]:
df_test.drop(df_test[df_test["Entity"]=="India - people tested"].index[0],inplace=True)
df_test["country"] = [ c.split(" ")[:-3] for c in df_test["Entity"].values]
df_test = df_test.loc[:,["country","Cumulative total","Cumulative total per thousand"]]
In [70]:
df_test = df_test.sort_values("Cumulative total",ascending=False)[:23].reset_index().drop(['index'],axis=1)
df_test["country"] = [ c[0] for c in df_test["country"].values]
df_test.loc[0,"country"] ="USA"
df_test.loc[7,"country"] = "United Kingdom"
df_test.loc[12,"country"] = "South Korea"
df_test = df_test.drop([4,10,14])
df_test = df_test.reset_index().drop(['index'],axis=1)
df_test["Cumulative total per million"] = df_test["Cumulative total per thousand"]*1000
df_test = df_test.drop(["Cumulative total per thousand"],axis=1)
In [71]:
df_test["confirmed"] = [ df_countries_cases.loc[c,'Confirmed'] for c in df_test["country"].values]
df_test["deaths"] = [ df_countries_cases.loc[c,'Deaths'] for c in df_test["country"].values]
df_test["MR"] = np.round(100*df_test["deaths"]/df_test["confirmed"],2)
df_test["Positive"] = np.round(100*df_test["confirmed"]/df_test["Cumulative total"],2)'Blues',subset=["Cumulative total"])\
                        .background_gradient(cmap='Reds',subset=["Cumulative total per million"])\
country Cumulative total Cumulative total per million confirmed deaths MR Positive
0 USA 6551810 19794.000000 1300079 78320 6.020000 19.840000
1 Russia 3945518 27036.000000 198676 1827 0.920000 5.040000
2 Germany 2547052 30400.000000 171145 7532 4.400000 6.720000
3 Italy 2053425 33962.000000 218268 30395 13.930000 10.630000
4 Turkey 1075048 12747.000000 137115 3739 2.730000 12.750000
5 Spain 1035522 22148.000000 222857 26299 11.800000 21.520000
6 United Kingdom 1023824 15082.000000 216525 31662 14.620000 21.150000
7 India 976363 708.000000 62808 2101 3.350000 6.430000
8 Canada 832222 22050.000000 68814 4816 7.000000 8.270000
9 France 724574 11101.000000 176781 26313 14.880000 24.400000
10 South Korea 627562 12241.000000 10840 256 2.360000 1.730000
11 Australia 588868 23093.000000 6929 97 1.400000 1.180000
12 Iran 463295 5516.000000 106220 6589 6.200000 22.930000
13 Portugal 426836 41860.000000 27406 1126 4.110000 6.420000
14 Israel 392660 45365.000000 16454 247 1.500000 4.190000
15 Poland 354628 9370.000000 15651 785 5.020000 4.410000
16 Peru 342498 10388.000000 61847 1714 2.770000 18.060000
17 Belgium 327653 28271.000000 52596 8581 16.310000 16.050000
18 Austria 269619 29936.000000 15833 615 3.880000 5.870000
19 Kazakhstan 268534 14301.000000 4946 31 0.630000 1.840000
In [72]:
Cumulative total Cumulative total per million confirmed deaths MR Positive
Cumulative total 1.00 0.10 0.88 0.73 -0.03 0.16
Cumulative total per million 0.10 1.00 -0.02 -0.02 0.01 -0.30
confirmed 0.88 -0.02 1.00 0.92 0.15 0.42
deaths 0.73 -0.02 0.92 1.00 0.48 0.59
MR -0.03 0.01 0.15 0.48 1.00 0.68
Positive 0.16 -0.30 0.42 0.59 0.68 1.00
In [73]:
fig ="Cumulative total"),
            x='country', y="Cumulative total",
            text = "MR",
            hover_data=["confirmed","deaths","Cumulative total","Positive"],
            title='COVID-19: Tests Over Countries',
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Number of Tests (Text on bars is MR %)")
In [74]:
fig ="Positive"),
            x='country', y="Positive",
            text = "MR",
            hover_data=["confirmed","deaths","Cumulative total","Positive"],
            title='COVID-19: Test(Positive) Over Countries',
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Positive Tests(%)- (Text on bars is MR %)")
In [75]:
fig ="MR"),
            x='country', y="MR",
            text = "Positive",
            hover_data=["confirmed","deaths","Cumulative total","Positive"],
            title='COVID-19: MR Over Countries',
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="MR(%)- (Text on bars is Positive %)")
In [76]:
fig ="Cumulative total per million"),
            x='country', y="Cumulative total per million",
            text = "MR",
            hover_data=["confirmed","deaths","Cumulative total","Positive"],
            title='COVID-19: Tests per million Over Countries',
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Tests per million(%)- (Text on bars is MR %)")
In [77]:
fig = px.scatter(df_test, y=df_test.loc[:,"MR"],
                    x= df_test.loc[:,"Positive"],
                    color= "country", hover_name="country",
                    hover_data=["confirmed","deaths","Cumulative total"],
                    title='COVID-19: Test(Positive) vs Mortality rate',
                    size = np.power(df_test["confirmed"]+1,0.3)-0.5,
                    size_max = 30,
                    height =600,
fig.update_yaxes(title_text="Mortality Rate (%)")
fig.update_xaxes(title_text="Tests Positive (%)")

Pie Viz

In [78]:
rows = 4
f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10*rows))

stats = [df_covid19.loc[:,['country','Confirmed']],df_covid19.loc[:,['country','Deaths']],df_covid19.loc[:,['country','Active']],df_covid19.loc[:,['country','Recovered']]]
label = ["Confirmed","Deaths","Active","Recovered"]
threshold = [25000,1000,15000,5000]
for i, stat in enumerate(stats):
    df_countries = stat.groupby(["country"]).sum()
    df_countries = df_countries.sort_values(df_countries.columns[-1],ascending= False)
    others = df_countries[df_countries[df_countries.columns[-1]] < threshold[i] ].sum()[-1]
    df_countries = df_countries[df_countries[df_countries.columns[-1]] > threshold[i]]
    df_countries = df_countries[df_countries.columns[-1]]
    df_countries["others"] = others
    labels = [df_countries.index[i] +" (" + str(int(df_countries[i])) +") "for i in range(df_countries.shape[0])]

    ax = f.add_subplot(rows,1,i+1)
    plt.pie(df_countries, labels=labels,autopct='%1.1f%%',pctdistance=0.85, labeldistance=1.1,textprops = {'fontsize':10.5})
    my_circle=plt.Circle( (0,0), 0.7, color='white')
    plt.text(0.5,0.5,"World Total "+label[i]+ " COVID-19 Cases\n"+str(stat.sum().values[1]), horizontalalignment='center',verticalalignment='center',transform=ax.transAxes, size=18, alpha = 0.6)
In [79]:
cols =1
rows = 2

f = plt.figure(figsize=(15,10*rows))

# SubPlot 1
ax = f.add_subplot(211)
plt.plot(np.sum(np.asarray(df_confirmed.iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0),np.sum(np.asarray(df_deaths.iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0))

axis_label = ["Cumulative Confirmed Cases","Cumulative Deaths"]
plt_title = "COVID-19: World - \nCumulative Confirmed Cases Vs Cumulative Deaths Curve"

# # SubPlot 2
# ax = f.add_subplot(212)
# mortality_rate = get_mortality_rate(df_confirmed,df_deaths,continent=continents[0])
# plt.plot(np.sum(np.asarray(df_recovered.iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0),np.sum(np.asarray(df_deaths.iloc[:,5:]),axis = 0))

# axis_label = ["Cumulative Recoveries","Cumulative Deaths"]
# plt_title = "COVID-19: World - Cumulative Recovery Vs Cumulative Deaths Curve"

# plot_params(ax,axis_label,plt_title)
plt.savefig(out+'Cumulative Confirmed Cases Vs Cumulative Deaths Curve.png')


In [81]:
date_usa = datetime.strptime(df_confirmed.columns[-1],'%m/%d/%y').strftime("%m-%d-%Y")
df_temp = pd.read_csv(""+date_usa+".csv")
df_usa = df_temp.loc[df_temp["Country_Region"]== "US"]
df_usa = df_usa.rename(columns={"Admin2":"County"})
In [82]:
total = df_usa.sum() = "Total"
Confirmed Deaths
Total 1283929 77180
In [83]:
Confirmed Deaths
New York 330407 26243
New Jersey 135840 8960
Massachusetts 75333 4702
Illinois 73760 3241
California 63779 2613
Pennsylvania 57371 3715
Michigan 46386 4399
Florida 39199 1669
Texas 37246 1025
Connecticut 32411 2874
Georgia 32181 1400
Louisiana 30855 2227
Maryland 30485 1560
Indiana 23146 1447
Ohio 23016 1306
Virginia 22342 812
Colorado 18827 960
Washington 16388 905
Tennessee 14441 242
North Carolina 14006 530
Iowa 11457 243
Rhode Island 10779 399
Arizona 10526 517
Minnesota 10088 534
Missouri 9733 483
Wisconsin 9590 384
Alabama 9385 383
Mississippi 9090 409
Nebraska 7818 90
South Carolina 7367 320
Kansas 6667 168
Kentucky 6288 298
Delaware 6111 213
Nevada 5920 294
Utah 5919 61
District of Columbia 5899 304
New Mexico 4673 181
Oklahoma 4424 266
Arkansas 3747 88
South Dakota 3145 31
Oregon 3068 124
New Hampshire 2947 121
Idaho 2178 67
Puerto Rico 2156 107
North Dakota 1425 33
Maine 1374 63
West Virginia 1323 52
Vermont 919 53
Wyoming 644 7
Hawaii 629 17
Montana 458 16
Alaska 377 10
Guam 151 5
Grand Princess 103 3
Virgin Islands 68 4
Diamond Princess 49 0
Northern Mariana Islands 15 2
Recovered 0 0
In [84]:
Province_State Confirmed Deaths
New York City New York 181783 19561
Cook Illinois 50236 2197
Nassau New York 37812 1918
Suffolk New York 36223 1568
Westchester New York 30905 1191
Los Angeles California 30319 1470
Wayne Michigan 17824 2028
Philadelphia Pennsylvania 17517 875
Hudson New Jersey 17365 945
Middlesex Massachusetts 17014 1132
In [85]:
f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))

plt.tick_params(size=5,labelsize = 13)
plt.xlabel("Confirmed Cases",fontsize=18)
plt.title("Top 10 States: USA (Confirmed Cases)",fontsize=20)
plt.savefig(out+'Top 10 States_USA (Confirmed Cases).png')
In [86]:
f = plt.figure(figsize=(10,5))

plt.tick_params(size=5,labelsize = 13)
plt.title("Top 10 States: USA (Deaths Cases)",fontsize=20)
plt.savefig(out+'Top 10 States_USA (Deaths Cases).png')
In [87]:
df_usa = df_usa.replace(np.nan, 0, regex=True)
usa = folium.Map(location=[37, -102], zoom_start=4,max_zoom=9,min_zoom=4)
for i in np.int32(np.asarray(df_usa[df_usa['Confirmed'] > 0].index)):
        location=[df_usa.loc[i]['Lat'], df_usa.loc[i]['Long_']],
        tooltip = "<h5 style='text-align:center;font-weight: bold'>"+df_usa.loc[i]['Province_State']+"</h5>"+
                    "<div style='text-align:center;'>"+str(np.nan_to_num(df_usa.loc[i]['County']))+"</div>"+
                    "<hr style='margin:10px;'>"+
                    "<ul style='color: #444;list-style-type:circle;align-item:left;padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px'>"+
        "<li>Confirmed: "+str(df_usa.loc[i]['Confirmed'])+"</li>"+
        "<li>Active:   "+str(df_usa.loc[i]['Active'])+"</li>"+
        "<li>Recovered:   "+str(df_usa.loc[i]['Recovered'])+"</li>"+       
        "<li>Deaths:   "+str(df_usa.loc[i]['Deaths'])+"</li>"+
        "<li>Mortality Rate:   "+str(np.round(df_usa.loc[i]['Deaths']/(df_usa.loc[i]['Confirmed']+1)*100,2))+"</li>"+

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
In [88]:
state_geo = requests.get('').json()
county_geo = requests.get('').json()
# county_geo
In [89]:
data_temp = df_usa.groupby(["Province_State"]).sum().reset_index().drop(["Lat","Long_"],axis=1)
data_temp["Confirmed_log"] = np.log10(data_temp["Confirmed"]+1)
bins = list(data_temp['Confirmed_log'].quantile([0, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75,0.95 ,1]))
m = folium.Map(location=[37, -102], zoom_start=4,max_zoom=6,min_zoom=3)
# Add the color for the chloropleth:
    data = data_temp,
    columns=['Province_State', 'Confirmed_log'],
    bins = bins,
    legend_name='Confirmed cases log (10^x)'

legend_html = "<div style='padding:10px;background-color:rgba(255,255,255,0.5);position:fixed;bottom:20px;left:20px;z-index:1000'>"
legend_html += "<div style='width:100%;text-align:center;'><h4>Index for Legend</h4></div><hr style='border-top-color: rgba(25,25,25,0.5);'>"
legend_html += "<ul style='margin:0;padding:0;color: #555;list-style-type:circle;align-item:left;padding-left:20px;padding-right:20px'>"
for i in bins:
    legend_html += "<li style='margin:0;padding:0;line-height: 0;'>Value "+str(np.round(i,2))+" : "+str(int(10**i)-1)+"</li><br>"
legend_html += "</ul></div>"
Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
In [90]:
data_temp = df_usa.groupby(["FIPS"]).sum().reset_index().drop(["Lat","Long_"],axis=1)
data_temp["Confirmed_log"] = np.log10(data_temp["Confirmed"]+1)

df_usa_series = data_temp.set_index('FIPS')['Confirmed_log']
colorscale = branca.colormap.linear.Reds_09.scale(0,data_temp["Confirmed_log"].max()-1)
# print(df_usa_series.max())
def style_function(feature):
    employed = df_usa_series.get(int(feature['id'][-5:]), 0)
    return {
        'fillOpacity': 0.5,
        'weight': 0,
        'fillColor': '#black' if employed is None else colorscale(employed)

m = folium.Map(
    location=[37, -102],

Make this Notebook Trusted to load map: File -> Trust Notebook
In [91]:
# Visible = Input(shape=(1,))
# Dense_l1 = Dense(80,name="Dense_l1")(Visible)
# LRelu_l1 = LeakyReLU(name = "LRelu_l1")(Dense_l1)
# Dense_l2 = Dense(80,name = "Dense_l2")(LRelu_l1)
# LRelu_l2 = LeakyReLU(name = "LRelu_l2")(Dense_l2)
# Dense_l3 = Dense(1,name="Dense_l3")(LRelu_l2)
# LRelu_l3 = LeakyReLU(name = "Output")(Dense_l3)
# model_usa_c = models.Model(inputs=Visible, outputs=LRelu_l3)
# model_usa_c.compile(optimizer=Adam(lr=0.0001), 
#               loss='mean_squared_error',
#               metrics=['accuracy'])
# model_usa_c.summary()
In [92]:
df_temp = df_confirmed.groupby(["country"]).sum()
df_temp = np.asarray(df_temp[df_temp.index == "USA"].iloc[:,2:])[0]
data_y = np.log10(df_temp).astype("float32")
data_x = np.arange(1,len(data_y)+1)
# data_x.shape[0]
In [93]:
model_usa_c = models.load_model("model_usa_c_v2.h5")
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Executing op RandomUniform in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
Model: "model_1"
Layer (type)                 Output Shape              Param #   
input_1 (InputLayer)         (None, 1)                 0         
Dense_l1 (Dense)             (None, 80)                160       
LRelu_l1 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l2 (Dense)             (None, 80)                6480      
LRelu_l2 (LeakyReLU)         (None, 80)                0         
Dense_l3 (Dense)             (None, 1)                 81        
Output (LeakyReLU)           (None, 1)                 0         
Total params: 6,721
Trainable params: 6,721
Non-trainable params: 0
In [94]:
M = 1000000
prediction_days = 7
df_temp = df_confirmed.groupby(["country"]).sum()
temp_data = np.asarray(df_temp[df_temp.index == "USA"].iloc[:,2:])[0]
data = np.power(10,model_usa_c.predict(np.arange(1,len(temp_data)+prediction_days+1)))
# temp_data = df_confirmed.iloc[:,5:].sum(axis =0)

f = plt.figure(figsize=(12,8))
ax = f.add_subplot(111)

date = np.arange(0,len(temp_data))

marker_style = dict(linewidth=3, linestyle='-', marker='o',markersize=7, markerfacecolor='#ffffff')
plt.plot(date,temp_data,"-.",color="darkcyan",**marker_style, label="Actual Curve")

date = np.arange(0,len(data))
plt.plot(date,data,"-.",color="orangered",label="Predicted Curve")

nextdays = [(datetime.strptime(d[-1],'%d %b')+timedelta(days=i)).strftime("%d %b") for i in range(1,prediction_days+1)]
total =d+nextdays

text = "Prediction for next "+str(prediction_days) +" days:\n"
for i in range(prediction_days):
    text += nextdays[i]+" : "+str(np.round(data[-1*(prediction_days-i)],-3)[0]/M)+" M\n"

plt.text(0.02, 0.78, text, fontsize=17, horizontalalignment='left', verticalalignment='top', transform=ax.transAxes,bbox=dict(facecolor='white', alpha=0.4))

# X-axis

# Tick-Parameters
ax.tick_params(which='both', width=1,labelsize=14)
ax.tick_params(which='major', length=6)
ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=3, color='0.8')

# Grid
plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.7", which = 'major')
plt.grid(lw = 1, ls = '-', c = "0.9", which = 'minor')

# Plot Title
plt.title("COVID-19 Next 7 day Prediction Curve-USA Confirmed Cases",{'fontsize':22})

# Axis Lable
plt.xlabel("Date",fontsize =18)
plt.ylabel("Number of Confirmed Cases",fontsize =18)

plt.legend(fontsize =18)
plt.tick_params(labelsize = 13) 
plt.savefig(out+"Prediction Curve-Confirmed (USA).png")
Executing op __inference_keras_scratch_graph_3808 in device /job:localhost/replica:0/task:0/device:GPU:0
In [ ]: